Joe Biden this week has passed multiple executive orders, one in particular worth looking into is the order titled, “Executive Order on Promoting COVID-19 Safety in Domestic and International Travel (1)”. The order looks at public safety measures during travel, domestically and internationally, but what exactly is involved?
The first section of the executive order is an, “Immediate action to require mask-wearing on certain domestic modes of transportation.” (2). These include airports, commercial aircraft, trains, public maritime vessels, intercity bus services and all forms of public transportation as defined in section 5302 of title 49, United States Code which is able to be found here (https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/49/5302). (3).
Section 5 jumps into what is required for international visitors to the United states. Travelers will be required on arrival to the US to show a negative Covid-19 test, alongside mandatory self isolation and quarantine for the expected period of time (usually 14 days) (4/5).

The final part of international travel in the executive order looks to bring in a sort of required Certificate of Vaccination or Prophylaxis, and also looks at making these certificates electronically available, something which is able to be looked at as proof of vaccination.
How popular will all this be and will people be willing to be vaccinated to be allowed to leave the country, or will there be uproar over the right to ones freedom?
-Trent Naz

(1) Biden, J., 2021. Executive Order On Promoting COVID-19 Safety In Domestic And International Travel. [online] The White House. Available at: <https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/presidential-actions/2021/01/21/executive-order-promoting-covid-19-safety-in-domestic-and-international-travel/> [Accessed 26 January 2021].
(2) Biden, J., 2021. Executive Order On Promoting COVID-19 Safety In Domestic And International Travel. [online] The White House. Available at: <https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/presidential-actions/2021/01/21/executive-order-promoting-covid-19-safety-in-domestic-and-international-travel/> [Accessed 26 January 2021].
(3) LII / Legal Information Institute. 2021. 49 U.S. Code § 5302 — Definitions. [online] Available at: <https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/49/5302> [Accessed 26 January 2021].
(4) Lonas, L., 2021. Biden Requires International Travelers To Quarantine Upon Arrival To US. [online] TheHill. Available at: <https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/535344-biden-requires-international-traveler-to-quarantine-upon-arrival-to?rl=1> [Accessed 26 January 2021].
(5) Turner, M., 2021. ASTA Reacts To Executive Order On COVID-19 Safety In Travel. [online] Travel Agent Central. Available at: <https://www.travelagentcentral.com/your-business/asta-reacts-to-executive-order-covid-19-safety-travel> [Accessed 26 January 2021].
(6) Biden, J., 2021. Executive Order On Promoting COVID-19 Safety In Domestic And International Travel. [online] The White House. Available at: <https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/presidential-actions/2021/01/21/executive-order-promoting-covid-19-safety-in-domestic-and-international-travel/> [Accessed 26 January 2021].